忘鱼儿:“Isn't It Romantic” does a good job at poking fun of cliches that litter pretty much all romantic comedies. Rebel Wilson is a capable lead and is quite funny throughout. Most of the humor actually is pretty good and I liked that this film didn't have to resort to gross-out gags to be funny. It was mostly cleverly-written bits. What holds the film back is its over-reliance on the same cliches it mocks. There were a few directions it could have taken that would have relied less on conventional rom-com setups. However, “Isn't It Romantic” is still a fairly charming and amusing look at one of cinema's most played out genres.
某个牛仔: or Dare我选Truth:这片真的太几把烂了
嗑瓜子嗑破牙:多年以来中国人不偷不抢没在别的国家搞过殖民掠夺也没给别的国家当过奴仆小人自己剥夺自己自己承接自己转嫁的矛盾自己拼尽了命从黄土里刨出粮食来自己洒尽了血从大山里走出大道来草草鸟事喜了就是这样还有人拿着放大镜使劲地找:看这这这都是他们文明劣根性的证据 有时候也会惊诧孔笙导演的影视作品怎么会那么好呢一切设置都如此完美再熟悉的演员在戏里也让观众完全看不出其自身来都完全地带入到角色当中了大概“真实”一词最为紧要